About Us
Field instruments and geoscience laboratory apparatus. O&G upstream, mining, CCS, civil engineering and earth sciences
Custom engineering for geological applications: Providing specialized support to successfully process rock samples in close collaboration with end-users
Deploying logistics forwarders and a coordinated services network to ensure the timely delivery of devices, equipment, and responsive after-sales service globally
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On-site or in-house, Geofactory is open to approach new challenges! We have a team of core processing engineers certified (Offshore, medical, …) with a large experience on different cored geological formation.
Our workshop is based on same way, and we are constantly enjoyed about our proximity with our customers to challenge a new development (tailor-made) or for increasing the quality of our products.
We regularly post videos in an effort to keep our partners and customers aware of what is happening at Geofactory. Performing tests of instruments & consumables on different geological formations…. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the latest …
A: Geofactory Spain S.L.
Calle Newton, 34 - Pol. Villarosa, 29004 Málaga - Andalucia - Spain
Contact us
E: info@geofactory.eu
Tel: +34 951767978
Cell: +34 635768900
WhatsApp: +34 618590339