Reference: SPEC-102

Kit of caliber

Geofactory provides a set of 30 cm cylinders containing standard K, U, Th, and dummy aluminium, specifically designed for calibrating spectrometers.

The Kit of Caliber includes core calibration samples intended for calibrating gamma spectrometers, specifically the GT-40 model. These samples are constructed from concrete mixed with radioactive materials and shaped into solid cylinders (100 mm diameter, 300 mm height). They contain specific activity levels of potassium (K), uranium (U), thorium (Th), and dummy aluminium, ensuring precise calibration for geological core samples.


K (Potassium)

  • K: 17.1%
  • U: < 0.5 ppm
  • Th: < 0.1 ppm

U (Uranium)

  • K: < 0.2%
  • U: 60.0 ppm
  • Th: 5.0 ppm

Th (Thorium)

  • K: < 0.1%
  • U: < 2.0 ppm
  • Th: 130 ppm

Dummy Aluminium

Standard sample size

Diameter: 100 mm

Length: 300 mm

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